Sunday, September 7, 2014

5 AM is too Early, and Other Lies You Tell Yourself

Over the years, I'm pretty sure I've heard every "reason" there is for why people can't make it to Sweat Camp.  Some of them are borderline legitimate, from Campers whose lives are far more complicated than mine (I do not have six children, for example), and some of them are from potential Campers who are seriously looking for excuses not to take control of their lives.

  • I didn't hear my alarm.
  • I gave away my shoes.  This one made me laugh so hard I snorted.
  • I'm up too late helping my kids with their homework/watching TV/reading/knitting.
  • I hurt my shoulder/ankle/hip/knee.
  • I'm not in good enough shape to start working out.
  • My job/kids/life is stressing me out.
  • 5 AM is just too early.
I know what you're thinking.  Some of these excuses really seem to hold some weight.  But here's the thing.

There are a few times in your life when exercise is a bad idea - when you've just had surgery, for example, or when you're vomiting.  Those are times when I'm okay with you staying in bed for a couple of days.  But, honestly, all the other "reasons" you can throw at me are non-starters.
Exercise reduces stress.
Exercise increases energy.
Regular exercise will help you sleep better.
You don't have to be in shape to get in shape, that's actually the whole point of getting started!  Every single person who started to exercise was a beginner at some point, and every single one of them felt clumsy and awkward the first time they tried something new.  But they kept at it.
Unless your entire body is injured, I can modify the program to reduce your risk of further injury and still work out the rest of you.
You can afford a pair of shoes, or - you know what? - you can even exercise barefoot.
And 5 AM?  It's the perfect time of day to work out.  It sets the tone for your whole day.  You get it done before your brain is even awake enough to register that you're exercising and then you get the smug satisfaction of being done with your workout before most people are even up.  You are a rock star!

I have sympathy for the excuses, really I do.  Sometimes I make excuses, too.  Not for exercise, but for other things (cleaning the house comes to mind immediately here).  It's scary to do something new.  It's scary to put yourself out there and start holding yourself to a different standard.  It's a whole lot easier to do what everybody else is doing - sleeping in, eating pizza, and complaining about minor health issues.  It seems like a lot of hard work right now for an intangible future reward.

You're totally right.  But.  What about this?

What if you could be a little happier?  A little more productive?  A little more confident?  A little more excited about the future?  What if you could do a push up?  Or run a mile?  What if that voice in your head that says, "I can't," was silenced?

Set your alarm.  Get your booty up.  Put on your shoes (or not), and get moving.  YOU can do this!

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